Dragi pčelari, slobodno mogu reći da je pčela čistija od čoveka, te na osnovu toga i sa njom treba tako postupiti. U svom priboru trebate imati i razne sprave za čišćenje kao, četa, djubrovnik, špahtla, alat za skidanje suvišnog voska sa ramova i košnice, male nožiće itd. Naročito pčeli se treba pomoći u proleće kada vreme dozvoljava da se košnica otvara a to je 12 i više. CLEANING ACCESSORIES Dear beekeepers, I can freely say that a bee is cleaner than a human being, and based on that, it should be treated in the same way. You should also have various cleaning tools in your kit, such as a t...rowel, sandblaster, spatula, tool for removing excess wax from frames and hives, small knives, etc. Especially the bees should be helped in the spring when the weather allows the hive to open, which is 12 and above.
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