Dollar Tree St. Patrick’s Day Gnome with hat pattern

This is a St. Patrick’s Day standing gnome tutorial. Super easy to make. The hat is from Dollar Tree, however, if you don’t have access to it, I included a pattern showing how you can make it with Solo cups and cardboard. Pattern link in in the description below. I hope that you enjoy him. Supplies: Hat Pattern: Socks - Shoes - (they are parrot toys – you get 6 pair different colors Styrofoam cone - Hat & dowel sticks – Dollar Tree – You will have to cut your sticks 1/4” x 5 1/2” Glitter foam – Hobby Lobby Mitre Box for cutting wood dowels - Weighted beads Hot glue sticks - these are best. Faux Fur - Felt Ball for nose - Glue gun - Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links. This means that, at ze
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