Belgium: Protesters march in Brussels against COVID restrix, vaccine policies

Follow us on Telegram: Subscribe to our channel! Around 1,600 protesters marched in Brussels on Sunday against vaccination policies and government restrictions. The protest organised by the right-wing group ’Belgium United for Freedom’ started at the Gare de Bruxelles Nord and marched with banners and chants against vaccination policies towards the iconic Atomium. There was very little police presence during the march. No violence was reported. The protest took place one week after violence and chaos hit the city as police clashed with COVID sceptics. Despite record infections, the government announced a slight easing of restrictions last week, but a booster shot is still mandatory to enter certain indoor spaces. Almost 29,000 people have died in the country since the pandemic started. #COVID #Protest #Brussels Video ID: 20220130-042 Video on Demand: Contact: cd@ Twitter:
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