Is This The MIND-BLOWING Truth About Our History?

Who are we? Where did we come from? Why are we here? These questions have been asked over and over again. Our history as taught in the books and schools makes no sense and does not add up at all. But how deep is the lie and how hidden is the truth? And where exactly is the truth hidden? Maybe we can get a little closer to those answers in this video... Read the Ringing Cedars Book Series 👉🏽 Listen to the Ringing Cedars Audiobooks on Youtube 👉🏽 Listen to Jean Nolan’s new song ‘Faith in Me’ 👉🏽 Watch more INSPIRED videos 👉🏽 Our main portal for FREE SPEECH is our INSPIRED Community on Locals. Please join us there (FREE, paid supporter optional) 👉🏽 #history #truth #inspired
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