Dune - Complete Score - Sardaukar Chant - Hans Zimmer

Idea by: Hans Zimmer Music Composed and Arranged by: Hans Zimmer & Andrew Kawczynski Vocal: Michael Geiger Hans Zimmer: It’s only one voice. It’s a chap called Michael, fantastic singer. We had a language written out by linguist. It’s just about technology. If you use a compressor, if you overuse it, it feels like you’re slamming your head against the door frame. You take a while to recover. So the compressor takes a while to recover, you know, when you slam Michael’s voice into it. So by taking each syllable apart and stretching it out and leaving gaps, I could then go and slam syllable and make every syllable sound incredibly dangerous and violent. I had of course completly transformed his voice into something that was more like a cannon ball heading you in the head. And I played it to Dennise Morrison experiment. And Denise reaction was: ’’Oh, could be an interesting way to start to movie’’. Vocalist Michael Geiger talking about Sardaukar Chants. “Just my opinion as a voice actor, but you might think of the (Sardaukar) throat singing sounds in Dune 2021 not as “language“ but as an encoded military battle chant; a specific series of syllables with the consonants purposefully removed to render the remaining vowel sounds discernible only to the Sardaukar. The result of millennia of phonemic abbreviations meant to obfuscate a hidden message. Other examples of this might be huddle or line audibles from a football quarterback or a drill sergeant counting out a marching cadence. It sounds incomprehensible because it’s meant to.” - Dune - Complete Score - Sardaukar Chant - Hans Zimmer
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