Magic in the blue collar (tatting, frivolité, orecchini Frivolite)
Production and sales of handmade jewelry from the end of the technique frivolite (tatting), combined with beads, pearls and crystals. Imaginative, fairy tale and magic can bring joy to every woman and to embellish her outfit .For all ages at something. Thank you for inspiring me. Izrada i prodaja ručno radjenog nakita od konca u tehnici frivolite (tatting), u kombinaciji sa perlama, biserima, , carobno i bajkovito moze da usreci svaku zenu i ulepsa joj odevnu sve uzraste i
1 month ago 00:18:02 2
Occult Hollywood // Cinema as Ritual Magic
1 month ago 00:00:58 1
TrustHerb Sea Salt: The Natural Secret to Better Health and Flavor! #seasalt #PureSeaSalt #trustherb