HEY, RUSSIAN IVAN! YOU’VE BEEN LOST YOUR ENTIRE LIFE, RUSSIAN PIG! - Merceneries bully lost old Russian man in his home town i

“HEY, RUSSIAN IVAN! YOU’VE BEEN LOST YOUR ENTIRE LIFE, RUSSIAN PIG!“ - Merceneries bully lost old Russian man in his home town in the Kursk region. From the accent of the mercenary, it can be deducted that it’s not a native Russian or Ukrainian speaker - most likely from another ex-Soviet republic. We left first with the kids, because it was already dangerous there, but we would come back [for our parents.] It didn’t work out, they [authorities] simply wouldn’t let us back in there - the man’s daughter says off cam. The family learned that the lost old man had left home, but his whereabouts are unknown. The man is blind in one eye - people are on the lookout for him. Boost us here @IntelRepublic Source: Intel Republic
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