I know RFK & some of that team no, dont agree on everything, but I think hed actually be a great person to put in on certain

“I know RFK & some of that team— no, don’t agree on everything, but I think he’d actually be a great person to put in on certain agencies, & just let him go to town. Let him BLOW STUFF UP…..let him fix the stuff.” “And understandably, like me & my family, he probably has a gripe with some of the government…..& that’s solid motivation to actually get stuff done.” “But it also shows some UNITY that I’d love to see on these tickets. Guys, that may not agree on everything, saying we understand the COMMON GOAL of preventing communism/socialism from taking over this country.” “So if you see that kind of COMING TOGETHER TO FIGHT A COMMON ENEMY….it’d be an incredible thing & I’d love to see it.” —Don Jr Source: Karma Patriot 🤍
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