“Next year at this time, I will have been working here for 25 years.” This sentence is in the FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS tense or FUTURE PERFECT PROGRESSIVE tense. In this advanced English grammar class, I’ll teach you everything you need to understand this tense – structure, usage, spelling, pronunciation, contractions, questions, short answers, past participles, stative verbs, and irregular verbs. We’ll practice together, so you learn to understand and use this tense! This class is part of my complete engVid series on ALL of the English verb tenses. So join me now to upgrade your English, boost your career, or get a higher score on the IELTS. In the next class, review all the tenses. Полный каталог видеоуроков Все самое полезное для изучения английского смотрите в сообществе (Визуальный английский)
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