Queen - Let Me In Your Heart Again (William Orbit Mix)
This version of Let Me In Your Heart Again (William Orbit Mix) comes from the 2014 lossless digial download from QoBuzz and was released in the UK on November 3rd, 2014.
The William Orbit Mix of Let Me In Your Heart Again was released via iTunes on November 3, 2014 in support of (Red) and Coca-Cola’s AIDS charity campaign. This is a really successful remix and a nice alternative to the Forever album version. There is a new, dance oriented backing track provided by Orbit, which works well with the song. Freddie’s vocals and Brian’s guitars are still present in full force. Some of Roger’s drums have been replaced in a few seconds by synthesized beats. Orbit adds extended instrumental breaks and repeats the third verse at the end of the song, which accounts for much of the extra time.
Written by: Brian May
Produced by: Queen and Mack
Freddie Mercury - lead and backing vocals
Brian May - guitars, synthesizer, backing vocals
Roger Taylor - drums, drum machine