English Christian Song | “The Bible Has Become an Obstacle to Man’s Acceptance of God’s New Work“

English Christian Song | “The Bible Has Become an Obstacle to Man’s Acceptance of God’s New Work“ I Today, all want to find the prophecies of the work of the last days in the Bible, they want to discover what work God does during the last days, and they want to discover what signs there are for the last days. In this way, their worship of the Bible becomes more fervent. The closer it gets to the last days, the more blind credence they give to the Bible’s prophecies, particularly those about the last days. With such blind faith in the Bible, with such trust in the Bible, they have no desire to seek the work of the Holy Spirit. II In people’s notions, they think that only the Bible can bring the Holy Spirit’s work; only within it can they find God’s footsteps; only the Bible hides mysteries of God’s work, and can explain all of God and His work, and no other book or person will do; the Bible can bring the work
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