Warhammer vs WoW this is why WAR is better

So a lot of people are pumped about the new game Warhammer Online, it looks really good. I made this vid to convince all the people who say WAR is copying WoW and that WoW came first, that uh... no? I just want to point out that Warhammer was already an established game 8 years before Blizzard was even a company. Also in the credits of Starcraft and I quote “Thank you Games Workshop for not suing us“ So there you go. Warhammer’s Lore is 25 years in the making. Warcraft’s lore strongly borrowed and based their ideas off of Warhammer. There isn’t actually much that Warcraft came up with their own. Hundreds of novels have been written about just the lore of Warhammer, just the story. Song is Mein Hertz Brennt by Rammstein
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