4 Amazing Battle Damage Techniques for your Warhammer | 40K | Duncan Rhodes
Sometimes, you might finish a model and think that it looks just a bit too clean. Freshly polished armour, gleaming paintwork - these things look great but sometimes you might want that warrior to look like he’s seen some action. He may be a veteran and you want him to look the part, and that’s what this video is all about!
In this video we take a painted miniature from Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40,000 and show you how you can take him to hell and back.
In this video we cover a variety of techniques that you can use to simulate damage to your troops. Whilst we use a Space Marine (Space Wolves Intercessor) for our example, the methods used are approached in such a way so as to focus on the technique rather than the particular colours so as to make this applicable to any miniature. We cover this in four segments:
1. Chipping the paint using paint, creating the optical illusion of chips and scratches etched in the armour.
2. Placing bullet holes by literally drilling and carving them into the model.
3. Adding dust kicked up around the warrior’s feet by making use of weathering pigments.
4. Creating scars and wounds on the soldier’s flesh.
These techniques are all great fun to use and can we used on a wide variety of miniatures from almost any game system or miniatures you like even tanks!
We hope you guys enjoy this one and remember, if you haven’t already, check out our Academy over at where we have almost 350, yes 350, full, indepth tutorials on there including a huge 15 part Fundamentals of Miniature Painting course included in the membership.
Dunc & Rog
00:00 Intro
00:34 Chipping
07:26 Bullet Holes
12:14 Dust
15:34 Scars
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