4-8 Week Push-up Progression Training Program:
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This is a follow along chest workout that will take you 5 minutes to LIGHT YOUR PECS ON FIRE! We all know you have at least 5 minutes in a day that you are free to get to the gains! This at home workout for chest growth only works if you will! For the best results, repeat this workout for 2-3 sets. If you can only get through it one time, that’s no problem, keep working at it until you’re able to knock it out the park! Let me know how you love this home workout!
Especially in today’s world, a quarantine workout like this can give you some relief and a way to escape! I know only 5 minutes sound easy, but this will be one of the best 5 minute chest works you can knock out!
At home we have to remember we still have our body weight to use to grind!
1. You Can Strengthen Different Muscles at Once
When you do a push-up rep, you are working multiple different muscles at one time. Push-ups help strengthen the following muscles: Chest muscles, Shoulders, Triceps, Bicep, Upper back muscles
Also, because you must maintain proper form throughout the push-up movement, you’ll have to keep your core engaged, as well as your hips, and leg muscles. If you’re searching for an exercise that will strengthen both your upper and lower body at the same time, the push-up is an excellent one to add to your routine!
2. You Can also Modify Push-ups to Suit Your Needs and Fitness Level
The good thing about push-ups is they come with many variations. You can modify how you do push-ups to suit your current needs and fitness level. You can make them harder or you can make them easier. Wide, decline, incline, explosive, handstand, etc. As you get stronger, make them more difficult.
3. Strengthening Your Joints and Bones too
Push-ups is not only for strengthening muscles; they can also help you build your body’s supportive structures. Because push-ups are a movement that involves the elbows and shoulders, doing push ups on the regular will help strengthen those joints over time.
4. You Can Support Your Cardiovascular Health
Push-ups can also get your heart rate up. Pushups are primarily for building muscular strength, push-ups will also help to support your cardiovascular health. Remember, push-ups are a full body engaging exercise, so this means your heart will get some work to pump enough blood and oxygen to circulate throughout your body.
5. You Can Burn Calories to Lose Weight
If you want to lose weight, doing exercises to increase muscle mass throughout your body a faster metabolism is also a bi product of this. Burn more calories!
FAQ: How to get abs, bigger chest, at home, how to get six pack: workout helps, but you must also be aware of what you’re doing in the kitchen! Will this home workout help! My answer is always yes, IF YOU WILL! Once again, keep in mind your diet must match your goals!
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