"he’ll never change"

Chuck McGill “Michael McKean“ talks about his brother, Gene Takovic AKA Jimmy McGill AKA Saul Goodman “Bob Odenkirk“ #bettercallsaul #breakingbad #meme #edit (tags ignore) chuck mcgill chicanery better call saul saul goodman its all good man better call saul season 6 better call saul season 5 better call saul season 4 better call saul season 3 better call saul season 2 better call saul season 1 better call saul season jeff the cab driver gene better call saul gene caught gene gets found out jimmy mcgill slippin jimmy slippin jimmy show point and shoot plan and execution nippy marion carole burnett better call saul walt and jesse cameo scene walt and jesse better call saul better call saul leak better call saul finale better call saul trailer better call saul season 6 trailer better call saul season 6B trailer better call saul first scene howard hamlin hamli
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