Old Metallica vs. New Metallica

this one shows Metallica’s enormous change in the last two decades. from the world’s ultimate and most brilliant high-power thrashers to the band they are today. for some people “they’re getting older“ might be an argument, but for me it’s not a valid one, especially if you watch other 80ies thrashers like e.g. Overkill & Testament, which still -of course in an age-adjusted way- blow your mind away! in fact they still are a nice band, but the awful truth is, with their (for any reason) horrible style-changing in “load“ they lost their roots and since then step by step everything what made them so unique! compared to their older times the sound is horrible, the gigs/songs look factitious, they don’t really feel what they’re playing and that’s the worst thing a metal band can happen...
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