Today Is the Day for Valentines | Mother Goose Club Playhouse Kids Videos
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Original lyrics and music by Sockeye Media LLC © 2015. All rights reserved.
Today is the day for valentines.
Is that a word that’s new?
Well let me tell you now my friends
What valentines can do.
They let you know that someone cares.
They let you show you’re caring.
They tell you someone wants to share,
And love is what they’re sharing.
Mothers, fathers, teachers too,
Sisters, brothers and cousins.
Aunts and uncles, me and you,
With good friends by the dozens.
Today is the day for valentines.
Is that a word that’s new?
Well let me tell you now my friends
What valentines can do.
They let you know that someone cares.
They let you show you’re c