A.I | Rise of the Machines - The Singularity. “Super“ Intelligence Quantum Computers
EXCLUSIVE FREE FULL EPISODE! Follow this link to watch over 8000 Original Shows, Films and Documentaries - As we become ever more reliant on cellular phones and devices to aid in our everyday tasks; rapid development into new technologies and Artificial Intelligence is underway at an alarming rate.
Modern devices are now specifically designed to interact with us in ways that mimic a real human being. Applications such as “siri” and “google-cast” are providing the user with a human-like interaction experience. These companies are Creating Artificially intelligent machines. Machines exhibiting cognitive behaviour, with human-like intelligence.
In this Documentary we explore the race to perfect AI machinery – researchers believe that very soon a “singularity” will be created. A machine that rises beyond human control. Something uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in catastrophic changes to human civilization.
Could it be possible that humanity will soon arrive at a moment in history when artificial intelligence outsmarts human beings? Are Hollywood movies like “the Terminator”, “i-Robot” and “space odyssey 2001” an unintentional warning that this senario could happen within our not so distant future?...
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