J S Bach Orchestral Suite No. 2 — И С Бах Оркестровая Сюита №2 — BWV 1067
Orchestral suite No. 2 in B by Johann Sebastian Bach, which is illustrated by the paintings of Frederick Morgan.
Ouverture — Performer: European Archive
Rondo — Performer: European Archive
Sarabande— Performer: European Archive
Bourrée — Performer: European Archive
Polonaise Double — Performer: Ensemble of soloists of the Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Moscow State Philharmonic. Conductor D. Oistrakh. Soloist A. Hoffmann (flute)
Menuet— Performer: European Archive
Badinerie — Performer: European Archive
The four orchestral suites, BWV 1066–1069 are four suites by Johann Sebastian Bach. The name ouverture refers only in part to the opening movement in the style of the French overture, in which a majestic opening section in relatively slow dotted-note rhythm in duple meter is followed by a fast fugal section, then rounded off with a short recapitulation of the opening music. More broadly, the term was used in Baroque Germany for a suite of dance-pieces in French Baroque style preceded by such an ouverture. This genre was extremely popular in Germany during Bach’s day, and he showed far less interest in it than was usual: Robin Stowell writes that “Telemann’s 135 surviving examples [represent] only a fraction of those he is known to have written“; Christoph Graupner left 85; and Johann Friedrich Fasch left almost 100. Bach did write several other ouverture (suites) for solo instruments, notably the Cello Suite no. 5, BWV 1011, which also exists in the autograph Lute Suite in G minor, BWV 995, the Keyboard Partita no. 4 in D, BWV 828, and the Overture in the French style, BWV 831 for keyboard. The two keyboard works are among the few Bach published, and he prepared the lute suite for a “Monsieur Schouster,“ presumably for a fee, so all three may attest to the form’s popularity.
Scholars believe that Bach did not conceive of the four orchestral suites as a set (in the way he conceived of the Brandenburg Concertos), since the sources are various, as detailed below.
The Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis catalogue includes a fifth suite, BWV 1070 in G minor. However, this work is highly unlikely to have been composed by J. S. Bach.
The source is a partially autograph set of parts (Bach wrote out those for flute and viola) from Leipzig in 1738–39.
Rondeau – written Rondeaux by Bach
Polonaise / Double
The Polonaise is a stylization of the Polish Folk Song “Wezmę ja kontusz“ (I’ll take my nobleman’s robe).The Badinerie (literally “jesting“ in French — in other works Bach used the Italian word with the same meaning, “Scherzo“) has become a show-piece for solo flautists because of its quick pace and difficulty.
Johann Sebastian Bach was a composer and musician of the Baroque period, born in the Duchy of Saxe-Eisenach. He is known for instrumental compositions such as the Brandenburg Concertos and the Goldberg Variations as well as for vocal music such as the St Matthew Passion and the Mass in B minor. Since the 19th-century Bach Revival he has been generally regarded as one of the greatest composers of all time.
Frederick Morgan (1847/1856–1927), was an English painter of portraits, animals, domestic and country scenes. He became known for his idyllic genre scenes of childhood.
Иоганн Себастьян Бах Оркестровая Сюита №2, проиллюстрированная работами английского художника Фредерика Моргана.
Иоганн Себастьян Бах — немецкий композитор, органист-виртуоз, капельмейстер, музыкальный педагог.
Бах — автор более 1000 музыкальных произведений во всех значимых жанрах своего времени (кроме оперы). Творческое наследие Баха интерпретируется как обобщение музыкального искусства барокко. Убеждённый протестант, Бах написал много духовной музыки. Его Страсти по Матфею, Месса h-moll, кантаты, инструментальные обработки протестантских хоралов — признанные шедевры мировой музыкальной классики. Бах известен как великий мастер полифонии, в его творчестве барочная полифония достигла расцвета.
Бах написал более тысячи музыкальных произведений в практически всех известных на тот момент жанрах. Бах не работал лишь в жанре оперы.
Сегодня каждому из известных произведений присвоен номер BWV (сокр. от Bach Werke Verzeichnis — каталог работ Баха). Бах писал музыку для разных инструментов, как духовную, так и светскую. Некоторые произведения Баха являются обработками произведений других композиторов, а некоторые — переработанными версиями своих произведений.
Фредерик Морган (1847/1856 — 1927) — английский живописец портретист, анималист, художник бытовых и сельских сцен. Известен своими идиллическими жанровыми картинами о детстве.
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