Mario Lanza - Never Till Now - Renoir

Mario Lanza’s beautiful voice is accompanied by lovely paintings by the impressionist Pierre-Auguste Renoir. The music for the song “Never Till Now“ was written by Johnny Green and the lyrics by Paul Francis Webster. My friend Rodger of toff358, an extremely knowledgeable person and devoted Mario Lanza fan, commented that “...this is the theme from the film ’Raintree County’... this was recorded at the Cinecitta studios in Rome, November 7 1957, just a few months after Mario & family had moved to Italy“Никогда до сих пор“ с картиной Ренуара. .запись на студии Чинеситта в Риме 7 ноября 1957г.через неск. месяцев,как семья переехала в Италию.
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