‘Crown Prince MBS Said He Could Kill Late King With Poison Ring’: Ex-Saudi Official’s Revelations

A former senior Saudi security official claimed crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman once spoke of killing King Abdullah. The official named Saad al-Jabri made the claim in an interview with CBS News. Al-Jabri claimed the crown prince will not rest until “he sees me dead” because “he fears my information” #MBS #SaadalJabri Crux is your daily dose of the big, viral and relevant news in a few minutes. It’s your ultimate guide to staying informed on the latest in politics, international relations, sports, entertainment and social media Follow CRUX on Instagram (@): Follow CRUX on Facebook: #Ge...tCloserToTheNews with latest headlines on politics, sports and entertainment on Also watch: Crux One Take: Crux Files: Crux BTS:
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