Interview: DVS1 explains how festivals are jeopardizing club culture (School of House)

TEXT TAKEN FROM SCHOOL OF HOUSE FACEBOOK VIDEO - Few artists in the techno genre are as outspoken as Zak Khutoretsky aka DVS1. In recent years, the Russian-American DJ/producer has been the instigator of many a fierce discussion on electronic music’s most sensitive topics. Zak is now questioning the rise of big festivals, saying they are jeopardizing some of electronic music’s core values. School of House sat down with him during one of his recent visits to Amsterdam to talk – amongst other things – about the devastating effect of festivals on our club culture. Interview: Aron Friedman Camera: Roy Boersema For School of House School of House We’re an educational platform located in Amsterdam, providing a unique combination of theory and practice, with prominent guest speakers from the electronic music industry playing a key role. DJs, producers and organizers – from pioneers to young guns, and from underground to mainstream – talk passionately ab
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