Sponsored by: [Your or your company name here. E.g. EMAARNAKHEELDAMAC] Produced by Zorka Productions and Heartfelt Thanks. Lyrics by: Kazimir Mashkalo @thanksingold Music production, recording, mixing, mastering: Vlad Freimann @friemannmusic Film director: Mitry Semenov-Aleinikov @mitry7enow FLY TO DUBAI I’ve been to many crazy places Where losing’s easy, winning’s hard. Dubai’s the land of kings and aces, A royal flush, all in one card. My Lady Luck is always with me, Like everybody in Dubai. She makes our stakes and hopes shine brightly Like Burj Khalifa: doubly high! ••••••••••• Fly to Dubai and feel so happy! Come to Dubai and feel so free! So many things will take your fancy In Emirates! In UAE! •••••• Dubai is pleasing, oh so teasing With all its luxury and love. My bank account is self-stripteasing, Come on Dubai, I’ve had enough! Goodbye, Dubai! Goodbye, Marina! I’m looking straight into your eye: I will return. I’ve got to be here At least once more before I die! ••••••••••• Fly to Dubai and feel so happy! Come to Dubai and feel so free! So many things will take your fancy In Emirates! In UAE! ••••••
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