Владимир Высоцкий - Купола

Włodzimierz Wysocki - Rosyjskie kopuły Владимир Высоцкий - Купола (1975) (Посвящается Михаилу Шемякину) Vladimir Vysotsky - Song about Russia (Cupola) What will I enjoy today, what will be pestering? The air’s thick before the storm, thick with bale. What’ll be pleasant for me to sing, good for hearing? Prophetic birds are singing - yet all out of a tale! The bird of Sirin is joyfully grinning, Calling me to come, invites - be a host. On the other side a birdie is grieving: Hurting soul of mine is odd Alkanost. As if seven cherished strings Have started singing one by one - It is Gamayun brings Hope to someone. In the blue sky pierced up by bell - towers - There a brass bell tolls, a brass bell tolls! Either overjoyed or crossed has it got? Gold plated domes in Russia are just showers: For more often to be noticed by the God. I stand in front of would be eternal mystery, In front of the great and an improbable land, Which is salted and sweet - sour - bitterly, Blue-skied,
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