Godot 4 - How I do Jump Buffer

Автор - Chaff Games ссылка - От автора: Jump buffering is a game design technique that makes it easier for players to execute a jump when they land on the ground. The concept is based on the fact that executing a jump at the exact moment a player lands can be difficult, even for skilled players. Game Engines are extremely precise and can tell you’re not on the ground even by a fraction of a second. Jump buffering gives players a period of time before they hit the ground, during which if they press the jump button, the game will register the input as a jump and execute it as soon as the player touches the ground. Jump buffering is a simple but effective technique that can greatly enhance the feel and responsiveness of a game. By making it easier for players to execute jumps, game designers can reduce frustration and make their games more enjoyable for a wider audience.
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