Micky Crystal | New Shades of Blue (2021)

Micky Crystal’s InFusioned Rock Soloing - out now: “New Shades of Blue“ is one of three tracks taken from the release, and it gets you right in the feels. InFusioned Rock Soloing is technically rich collection that’s packed with interesting concepts to help launch luscious lines of your own. Includes three full solo performances, 31 licks played fast and slow, short and long backings written by James Graydon, full tab/notation in PDF and GP format, and a complete theory guide. -— LINKS —- Get the release: Micky social 👇 FB: IG: YT: ▶️ Subscribe: 🎸 14 day free trial: 🎓 Get personalised feedback from JTC artists: #jtcguitar #mickycrystal
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