CIRCADIAN - OWL Skateboards

The fellas of OWL (Orwellian World Landscape) Skateboards have released a new video offering ’CIRCADIAN’ filmed predominantly in Brighton across the first half of 2018. Words from Al Hodgson: “The edit’s premise is to be 50% day and 50% night footage as a reference to the circadian rhythm sleep-wake cycle. This cycle however, was completely disrupted in our own bodies; spending countless late nights scouring Brightons cracked pavements trying to film for the video. So we hope it was worth it, because now I really need some sleep...“ Featuring: Louis Rose-Antoine Rupert, Rose-Antoine, ​Al Hodgson​, Ellis Gardiner​, Ed Pooley​, Ben Woodhouse​, Dexter Daniels, Zane Crowther​, Moose Tarry, James Griffiths and Harrison Woolgar.
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