Kabarnos - Live Damascus International Opera House - 08 - Christos Anesti #live #chillout #music

Under the Patronage of his Eminence the Patriarch of Antioch St. John Yazeji Under the Patronage of Her Excellency the Syrian Minister of Culture Mrs. Lubana Mshawwah Director of the Damascus Assad International Opera House Mr. Andre Maalouli Isson: Lampis Haralampos Kalapanidas Ioannis Moustakas Elie A Choueiry Patriarchal Choir led by Fr. Malatios Shattahy Special Thanks: Alaa Daou/Aghiad al Sheikh Boutros/Majd M. Saood Concept/Director: @HabibDagher @BlueTaurusOfcl In Memoriam: Ms. Nahla Blue Taurus ©2022
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