DOMINA. THE WOMEN WHO MADE IMPERIAL ROME. Lecture by Guy de la Bedoyere, as given in Australia 2019.

This is a public lecture I gave in Perth, Australia, about my book DOMINA. THE WOMEN WHO MADE IMPERIAL ROME (Yale University Press 2018) to the Roman Archaeology Group. It’s about the women of the imperial Julio-Claudian family such as Livia, Agrippina the Elder, Messalina, Agrippina the Younger, and Poppaea and how they were the backbone of the dynasty of emperors Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius and Nero. To my total astonishment I now see that Sky Atlantic is releasing a TV drama series on the same subject in May 2021 and also called - wait for it, Domina! Well, lucky old me, eh? So, I’ve decided to post this now. The book is on Amazon if you want to read it, and which is based in enormous detail on the sources. Just search on Amazon under DOMINA and BEDOYERE.
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