Holy Musical B@man! Act 2 Part 4

WARNING: Holy Musical B@man! contains adult language (Yes, we mean swears). The Gotham City Police Department lives up to its reputation as it fails to save Gotham Square from Sweet Tooth and his army of Rouges. But when mere men can’t cut the mustard, Batman swoops in to deal his own brand of justice! Holy Musical B@man! is produced and performed solely for the enjoyment of ourselves and other comic book fans. It is in no way sponsored, approved, endorsed by or affiliated with DC Comics, Warner Bros. or any of their affiliates. Holy Musical B@man! was written and directed by Matt Lang & Nick Lang and features music & lyrics by Nick Gage, with additional music by Scott Lamps. Download the song “TO BE A MAN“ on “THAT’S WHAT I CALL STARKID, VOLUME 2“!
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