Massive Armor But Huge Weak Spots? || Challenger Mk.3 in War Thunder [1440p 60FPS]

The Tank, Combat, 120-mm Gun, Challenger Mk.3 (shortened as Challenger Mk.3) is a rank VI British medium tank with a battle rating of 10.0 (AB/RB/SB). It was introduced in Update “Supersonic“. The Challenger Mk.3 retains most of the characteristics of the Challenger Mk.2. It has some unique differences; such as: “ROMOR-A ERA“ which covers the lower glacis and sides, along with the addition of the ammunition storage being covered with rolled homogeneous armour. It retains the same engine (1200 hp) as the Mk.2, however with a minor increase in weight it suffers slightly reduced mobility and acceleration. Its iconic, legendary, and pin-point accurate gun stays the same as on the Challenger Mk.2. ➡
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