Pisces - Time to shine a light on those fears that are hiding the depths of your true power. Lead by

Donations are always appreciated but never expected. If you have found value in what we do and you have found abundance in our guidance and you wish to share, we wouldn’t be mad at you Cashapp $AliceBurbaugh (the one with the picture) $dusktodawnltd Disclaimer- These readings are for entertainment purposes that legal crap but we know wassup. We are not doctors. If you have a health problem and need medical attention, do not ignore that blessing of medical attention. We use herbs for calming, soothing, and all that Jazz... We are not here to point fingers, we just read energy. I like to call it either/or. If you like what we do and it speaks to the truth of the Divine in you and you would like a reading, please contact our facebook pages at Authentically Alice or Dusk to Dawn Tarot Readings and More or see our bath and body and candle and other products at our Facebook pages. Hello, and welcome. We are Alice Burbaugh and Dawn
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