Common Chinese Verbs, Nouns and Phrases (Part II)| Daily Routines in Chinese | Learn Chinese Online

Learn Chinese. Learn Chinese Online. Learn Chinese Conversation. 学中文。学习中文。学习中文对话。 Common Chinese Verbs, Nouns and Phrases (Part II)| Daily Routines in Chinese | Learn Chinese Online 📝Practical Mandarin Chinese Lesson with Useful Chinese Words and Phrases. This Lesson is designed for Beginner Chinese Learners and Intermediate Chinese Learners on HSK1, HSK2, HSK3 Level. 📝Improve your Mandarin Chinese Listening and Speaking skills with new Chinese Words and Phrases. ✍ Verbs: 打扫 吸尘 拖地板 洗衣服 晾衣服 熨烫衣服 做饭 吃饭 ✍ Nouns: 房间 书房 吸尘器 拖把 客厅 洗衣机 洗衣
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