Analog Four Sketch #2 Knife Racer

This track was so fun to make! I wanted to make a bass sound with 2 voice unison, and this was the result. It’s just two saw oscillators, one of them with tracking disabled so I could parameter-lock 5ths and other fun intervals, and a saw-shaped LFO set to filter cutoff to make the bass play 16th notes. The lead synth was a triangle wave with pulse-width modulation with really slow attack and release, drenched in delay and reverb. It sounded surprisingly bright when not filtered. I made a macro knob that opens up the filter and raises the volume of the 2nd oscillator which is identical, but two octaves higher and tuned slightly sharp. For the drums I just used the drum sounds I made for my last track and changed them a bit. The biggest change was on the snare, where I made the release really long and gave it a saw-shaped LFO on the volume to fake a 16th note delay sound. The drums had their own macro knob that opened up the filter and raised the amp sustain to make them louder and play out longer. I’ve he
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