RAMBLEY REVIEW by RecD Ft. OtterBoyVA (Indigo Park: Chapter 1 Credits OFFICIAL ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEO)

Rambley The Raccoon thanks you for visiting Indigo Park. IN SONG! This is the OFFICIAL Animated Music video for the ENDING CREDITS song I wrote for Indigo Park! This game’s been a passion project for the past year I’ve been all in on and it warms my heart to see so many enjoying the world we’ve made! Here’s my little gift (on my own birthday!) to all of you as thanks for your support. STREAMING: Twittter: Patreon: Discord: Written, composed, arranged and edited by RecD Rambley & Choruses performed by OtterBoyVA: Choruses also performed by RecD Final Mix/Effects/Leveling by Jakeneutron: @Jakeneutron “At Indigo Park“ Leitmotif source song composed by Jakeneutron Animated Segments Animated by INUbis: https
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