Modular Notes #89 模塊兒筆記 - ER-301

I am enjoying this small pods for months and arranging various modules into a system which is limited yet inspiring. I recorded the noise beside the Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong, including the ‘ding’s which was from the sea but I didn’t know where it came from. I shot this video in my neighborhood, on a sunny afternoon of spring. * 最近在不斷地組裝我的60Pods,用不同的模塊組成一個及其有限的小系統,然而確實十分的有趣、能激發我們物盡其用。我使用了在維多利亞港港岸錄的一段噪聲,裡面的叮叮聲音來自海上,但當時始終找不到它的來源。 這段影片是在我家樓下拍攝的,一個陽光明媚的春日午後。
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