Working of Servo Control Valve Explain with Animation.

#ServoControlValve #ControlValve #WorkingServoControlValve #TypesOfValve Working of Servo Control Valve Explain with Animation An electrohydraulic servo valve (EHSV) is an electrically operated valve that controls how hydraulic fluid is sent to an actuator. Servo valves are often used to control powerful hydraulic cylinders with a very small electrical signal. Servo valves can provide precise control of position, velocity, pressure, and force with good post movement damping characteristics. An electric command signal (flow rate set point) is applied to the integrated position controller which drives the pilot stage. The thereby deflected nozzle flapper system produces a pressure difference across the drive areas of the spool and affects its movement. The position transducer (LVDT) which is excited via an oscillator measures the position of the spool (actual value, position voltage). This signal is then demodulated and fed back to the controller where it is compared with the command signal. The controller d
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