Kevin Day Virtual Party 🎂🎈 Видео от Omega X Home

Kevin Day Virtual Party 🎂🎈 Let’s celebrate Kevin’s Day by watching the Video Greeting Project by Inter fans together. Tonight is Kevin Day 🥳🎉 We (fans) will celebrate Kevin Day virtually 🎂🎈 1. Video greeting for Kevin’s birthday (we say greeting Kevin in our native language) 2. We also sent a wish letter to Kevin, and we present the letter in the form of a blog. We have prepared a special blog for Kevin Day 🥳🎉 We’ve created QR Code and included at the end of the video. If the QR CODE Error you can click this link : 3. We’ll be doing a template party on Twitter with lots of fans 🥳🎉 We ’ll share the link from the video as soon as the video finishing process is complete. The Schedul of the party : 1. Watching premiere on KST. We (Inter fans) ‘ll watching together like the previous project. 2. Template Party will start at KST (while waiting for the premiere) until tomorrow. Everyone has worked hard on this project. Especially the Team and ForX who participated in this project and anyone who has helped to share information and support this project till the end. This is a video produced by fans, not related to any party or company. This is purely from fans. Thanks 💚
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