Mondrian. Evolution
Oct 29, 2022 — Feb 12, 2023
Many know the painter Piet Mondrian (1872–1944) as the creator of formally stringent geometric compositions with black and white lines and fields of color in red, yellow, and blue. However, the fact that, in first decades of his career, the Dutch artist focused primarily on landscapes and other representational motifs and often staged these with surprising colorfulness is hardly known among the general public. The Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen presents Mondrian’s path from the early naturalistic paintings to the late abstract works and traces the formal connections that exist between paintings spanning five decades.
Viele kennen den Maler Piet Mondrian (1872-1944) als Schöpfer von strengen geometrischen Kompositionen mit schwarzweißen Linien und Farbfeldern in Rot, Blau oder Gelb. Dass der Niederländer in seinen ersten Jahrzehnten Landschaften und andere gegenständliche Motive wählte und diese oft mit übe