The liver’s needed to keep you alive, It’s a vital organ without which you won’t survive, It can fully do its job with just a third of its cell squad! Over five hundred vital tasks are done, By the human body’s second heaviest organ! The liver’s four lobes contain lobules, which its function sustain! The liver filters blood and contains 13 percent of your blood volume, Freshly oxygenated blood comes down from the heart’s aorta, then ZOOM! Up into the left and into the right, Hepatic arteries to supply the liver, tight! Blood leaves the liver by the hepatic vein and goes through, The inferior vena cava back to the heart, circulation starts anew! The liver also receives blood through, the portal vein from the GI tract, Which is filtered just in case it is packed, With toxins like alcohol and drugs – it’s detox time! Now blood leaving the hepatic vein is clean and sublime! The liver filters more than toxins, it kills old red
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