The Spider-Man that was NOT for Kids

The early 2000s were a VERY interesting time for Spider-Man. After the relative failure of the unusual Spider-Man Unlimited, Marvel began to take a much more straightforward approach developing their next animated series. They tasked Brian Michael Bendis to directly adapt his very successful Ultimate Spider-Man comic run. However, after the unprecedented success of Sam Raimi’s live action Spider-Man film in 2002, they decided to rework the series to become a direct follow up to that continuity. What resulted was Spider-Man: The New Animated series, a very ambitious and very different kind of Spidey series, and while I believe that in a lot of ways, it fails in its conceit to be a follow up to Raimi’s film, when taken on its own merits, there is a TON to love about the series. So join me as I swing through MTVs short lived and wildly different Spider-Man series. Edited by Joe Murphy @nazchoz798 SUPPORT ME ON PATREON!- Follow me on Twitter: https://twi
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