This video is my take on 3B1B’s Summer of Math Exposition (SoME) competition
It explains in pretty intuitive terms how ideas from topology (or “rubber geometry“) can be used in neuroscience, to help us understand the way information is embedded in high-dimensional representations inside neural circuits
00:00 Introduction
01:34 - Brief neuroscience background
06:23 - Topology and the notion of a manifold
11:48 - Dimension of a manifold
15:06 - Number of holes (genus)
18:49 - Putting it all together
Main paper:
Chaudhuri, R., Gerçek, B., Pandey, B., Peyrache, A. &
... Fiete, I. The intrinsic attractor manifold and population dynamics of a canonical cognitive circuit across waking and sleep. Nat Neurosci 22, 1512–1520 (2019).
Other relevant references:
, M. & Ostojic, S. Interpreting neural computations by examining intrinsic and embedding dimensionality of neural activity. arXiv: [q-bio] (2021).
, J. A., Perich, M. G., Chowdhury, R.Show more