Andrew W. Hay (Andrew W. K.) - Pony Hard

Edit 12Nov13 Comments disabled. Comments will be taken on my Soundcloud or FA. or If you like this, you should check out (Was my main inspiration to even try.) Because it hadn’t been done well enough yet, and pretty much needed to be. This is my first Sony Vegas project, featuring not so perfect lip syncing and some very basic editing, mainly to keep those damn ponies quiet when they need to be. As a result of some of the editing, I suggest watching it at it’s intended resolution, 1080p. Otherwise you may see loose elements, fuzzy pieces in a scene, and other byproducts of me not knowing what I am doing ^.^ Song: Party Hard - Andrew W.K. Animation and characters: Hasbro All credit goes to the originals owners, I am just the guy that put them together.
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