I Tested the NEW Kodak Gold in Medium Format

Today is an exciting day for the film world because Kodak is announcing that they are bringing back Kodak Gold in 120 Medium Format. I headed to Lone Pine and Death valley to test 4 rolls of this stock on my Mamiya 7. PRE-ORDER KODAK GOLD: Thanks Squarespace for sponsoring this video. Go to for a free 14 day trial and use code WILLEM for 10% off your first purchase /// My Bag Company: LongWeekend Website: LongWeekend Instagram: My Instagram: /// Gear I use: Video Camera Used: Video Lens Used: Sekonic Light Meter: Portra 400: Tripod: -Tripod Head: -Tripod Legs: M...y Bag: /// MUSIC: The music in this video was all sourced from Musicbed - Get a free trial of the best music for your videos:
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