How The CIA Trained Psychics Spies for 20 Years - PROJECT: STARGATE (Documentary 2 of 3)

Patreon Exclusive Content: Join The Area52 Discord: Follow me on IG: In this episode, I Travel to Virginia to interview Joseph McMoneagle, Remote Viewer number 001 for the Army Intelligence during Project Stargate at SRI. Special thanks to @NelsonDellis For helping me with this. Go Sub to him! I also interview Dr. Edwin May, Chief Physics Director for SRI From 1975 to 1995, Edwin May was a scientist and then program director for the U.S. government’s psychic espionage program, known as STARGATE. With the closing of that program, research has continued at the Laboratories for Research, in Palo Alto, in the areas of methodology and analysis, neurophysiological studies, personnel assessment and selection, operations research, the physics of anomalous cognition, and psychokinesis. And Uri Geller, Famed psychic and mentalist. Publications by Dr Edwin May: CIA Declassified Documents: Scientific oversight committee: Joe McMoneagle’s Agent Tracking: Gondola Wish:
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