Hator hator violonchelo

This year I thought I’d record a Basque song for the holidays. It is called Hator, Hator and I really like the lyrics. Here is the original and my translation: Hator, hator mutil etxera Come, come home, boy gaztaina ximelak jatera, Eat roasted chestnuts Gabon gaua ospatutzeko Celebrate the Christmas night aitaren eta amaren ondoan. Near your father and mother. Ikusiko duk aita barrezka You’ll see your father laugh, amaren poz ta atseginez. Your mother happy and content. Eragiok, mutil, aurreko danbolin horri. Tend to the fire, boy, Gaztainak erre artean, While the chestnuts are roasting, gaztainak erre artean, While the chestnuts are roasting, txipli txapla, pum! Chipli, chapla, pum. Gabon gaua pozik igaro daigun. Let us have a Merry Christmas. You can listen to other Christmas videos I have recorded over the years in this playlist: As always, if you like what I do, please subscribe to my channel to support me and maybe share with a friend who might like it, and thanks!
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