*Previously recorded video taken April 2019 before CDC social distancing guidelines*
The mission of the U.S. Army Chorus is to provide musical support for government and military leadership in support of diplomatic relations by performing in the native language of foreign guests. From our international folk songs project, please enjoy the 19th century Slovenian song “Lipa zelenela je.”
This song is about the national tree of Slovenia, the “Lipa,” or the linden tree. Traditionally, the linden tree would be a local gathering place, symbolizing the heart of the community. “Lipa zelenela je” recalls the cycle of the linden tree, reminding us to be resilient through challenging times, drawing strength from each other.
Misija vojaškega zbora ZDA je, da z izvajanjem pesmi v izvirnem jeziku z glasbo zagotavlja podporo vladnemu in vojaškemu vodstvu z namenom podpiranja diplomatskih odnosov med državami. V sklopu našega projekta mednarodnih ljudskih pesmi lahko zdaj uživate v slovenski pesmi “Lipa zelenela je“.
Ta pesem govori o lipi, ki je narodni simbol Slovenije. Tradicionalno je bila lipa kraj srečanja ljudi iz iste skupnosti in simbolizira moč/povezanost skupnosti. “Lipa zelenela ja“ govori o življenjskem krogu tega drevesa in nas opominja, da moramo biti vzdržljivi, predvsem v tem težkem času.
Slovene translation by Anja Strajnar
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