’Oblivion soave’ - Philippe Jaroussky
Arnalta’s Aria from L’incoronazione di Poppea by Claudio Monteverdi
Adagiati, Poppea,
acquietati, anima mia.
Sarai ben custodita.
Oblivion soave
i dolci sentimenti
in te, figlia, addormenti.
Posatevi, occhi ladri:
aperti,deh,che fate,
se chiusi ancor rubate ?
Poppea, rimanti in pace;
luci care e gradite,
dormite homai, dormite.
*Giovanni Francesco Busenello
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Lie down,Poppea,
rest,my heart.
You shall be well guarded.
Let gentle oblivion
lull your tender feelings
to sleep,my child.
...aling eyes:
what can you do when open,
if closed you can still steal hearts?
Poppea,sleep in peace;
eyes so dear and sweet,
go to sleep now,sleep.
* * * * * * * *
Philippe Jaroussky
L’arpeggiata (Christina Pluhar)
“Monteverdi: Teatro d’Amore“Show more