Korean store owners defend their business during the 1992 LA riots.

People ask, why in a modern civilized society do private citizens need to own firearms? Well, here’s a great example. The police were no where to be found, mobs with bricks, bottles, and pipes were looting and burning stores, especially Korean owned stores. Some people were beaten then had their businesses destroyed. Others fled the area and found their stores destroyed when they returned days later. Few stood their ground and were willing to defend the businesses that their families built. Most people think that guns lead to violence and chaos, well all the chaos was down the street. I think Hal Fishman and Larry McCormick said it best. Larry, “It seems like every man on that roof was armed.“ Hal, “and thus far there does not seem to be any looting or burning at least right where they are.“ The store survived the riots and the building still stands 20 years later at Western and 5th.
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