DARKTHRONE - Skald Av Satans Sol (drum cover)

Darkthrone drum cover. Drum cover of Skald Av Satans Sol. Drumming note per note, while reading drum notation. Drum cover of a black metal song Skald Av Satans Sol from full album Transilvanian Hunger. 💲 Support the band and get the album NOW: ◄ Drum notation ♪♪♫: ◄ My GEAR: USA: EU: SUBSCRIBE: INSTA: FB: --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 Darkthrone members on album Transilvanian HUnger: - Fenriz (Gylve Fenris Nagell) – drums, guitars, bass, keyboards, vocals, lyrics - Nocturno Culto (Ted Skjellum) – vocals, guitars, bass, producer, lyrics
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